URAN, the lost wetland: Our crusade to save it

Does your heart wrench, when you see the 2 collages below? This is the saga of this paradise - the Uran wetlands, that we lost in 2010, to human greed. Uran wetlands were home to around 200 species, including migratory birds. Not less than an estimated 75 species would breed there. First breeding records of several bird species had been found at Uran eg the black breasted weaver birds, a species which was found breeding in the region after 52 yrs. Several of the IUCN Red Data status birds would regularly winter here. eg. the lesser flamingos, black tailed godwit, painted storks, oriental white ibis etc. It was a wintering area for many other bird species, including several Critically Endangered, Vulnerable and Near-threatened species. Many bird ringing studies have been conducted by senior ornithologists here. Uran was an important stopover for several passage migrant birds that came in from as far as Europe, Central Asia and the Arctic Tundra. This kind of a ...